Top 5 digital marketing tips to support your retail business, restaurant, pub bar, or coffee shop.

Here are six marketing tips and advice to help getting your digital presence to help support your physical business – shop, restaurant, cafe or bar.

Hospitality and retail are two of the toughest sectors to operate in but these tips will help ensure you get the maximum support from your digital assets.

  1. Tell Everyone you are open!

Sounds simple right.  But with everyone using so many different social media channels and search engines. You need to ensure you are seen and your information is updated on these channels. Whatever channels you are on, get the message out there and think about starting other channels you have not used before.  If you have an email database make sure you send out an announcement via this channel too.

        2)  Tell people why they should visit

If you have a special offer, (anyone), if you can provide great advice (specialist retail stores), if you have local products and produce (restaurants, pubs, bars), If you have unique products or services.  Give people a reason to visit you.


We cannot stress enough how important this listing is for retailers and hospitality businesses.

Your Google listing is really, really important.

Make sure that you let search engines know the changes you are making to your business.  Update your opening hours and again add the images of your store front.  Maybe you can offer a pick up option? .  If you don’t have a Google My Business listing – get one, you need one.  It is free!

       4) Use your social media channels

Social media channels should be used to not only push products and services, but also for actual customer service.  As already mentioned some people might want to or be able to visit your location but still want access to other products and services.  Whatever product or service you offer. Use your socials’ to provide a personal service, maybe create a short video at the start of each day about a particular product or service you offer.  This will help generate interest for people to visit your physical retail space but also provide a useful hook for those who can’t or won’t be able to visit and they can then engage with you online.


If you are local retailer, restaurant, coffee shop, make the most of your local status.  This is the most important of the marketing tips! So now is the best time to reaffirm who you are and what you do in your immediate local area, because this will help you stand out from your competition.  Make sure your Local SEO is up to date, make sure that any online advertising you do is targeted to a smaller geographical radius to maximise this. Definitely promote this “local” point across your social media channels

Bluespace Media is a small sales and marketing consultancy/agency based in Norwich, Norfolk.  We work with small businesses to help them get a better, ”bang for their marketing buck”.  If you need some help, advice or would like to talk to us about how we can help please get in touch via our contact us page.

As the owner of Bluespace Media I am passionate about supporting small business and I have written a short E-book that shares some key tips and advice for any small business to get the best out of their marketing without breaking the bank. It’s FREE on Kindle or £3.99 to buy Get your copy today from Amazon.

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